The MT4 True RSI Indicator is an incredibly powerful tool that helps you find hidden levels of overbought and oversold areas. It’s particularly powerful for traders who wish to play reversal strategies. We use this ourselves in our institutional trading strategies.



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$ 158
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"I was one of the first users of the TFA True RSI Indicator. I have to admit, it helps me more with reversal strategies. Sometimes it helps me avoid playing a breakout when the hidden overbought or oversold levels are not broken yet. Overall, it is now an integral part of my trading toolbox. It just gives you an... edge. An edge that you know very few other traders have. Totally love it."

Salah Snouda

(Part-time trader)

"It can be quite complicated to use at first... but after testing it over and over and over again... I am 1000% convinced... It doesn't work all the time, but it helps improve the probability of success of my trades... Very glad to have found this indicator... I combine it with the True Stochastic Indicator too and have seen great results... Thanks Des for coding this, you sure know how to code good shit man.. lol..."

Ray King

(Part-time trader)


The MT4 True RSI Indicator is a project I created after I got sick of manually scanning for hidden areas of overbought and oversold areas. It is constantly being improved through useful feedback from the community. From this feedback, we’ve already started building the True Stochastic Indicator. 

V3 | January 2023

  • Added in automatic authentication system
  • Improved the sensitivity of detecting reversals
  • Improved the accuracy of detecting reversals

V2 | August 2020

  • Added in function to scan for multiple RSI periods (instead of just 1 period)
  • Added in separate function to scan for overbought and oversold areas
  • Added in function to tweak confidence level and sample size
  • Added in function to show/hide table as it started to eat up quite a bit of space on the chart
  • Added in feature on how far away RSI is from the True (hidden) RSI area

V1 | May 2020

  • MT4 True RSI Indicator built